This is a love letter.

"I know these past few years have been hard and painful.
I know you have felt at times like God abandoned you, and perhaps even like some of us – your friends and family – had abandoned you too, and – perhaps worst of all – as though you had abandoned yourself. The miracle is that we are never abandoned! When we commit ourselves to this work – to this God-guided path of and towards love – we learn how to walk steadily beside ourselves, in partnership with God and each other the whole time. And abandonment shifts. It loses its power. It doesn’t disappear, of course. I am still filled with fear regularly, catching myself in it and having to pull myself out with firm compassion. But somehow it no longer feels life threatening and there is so much more ability to trust myself and God, to trust that the end of all of this is a life filled with love... 

I want you to know that however it may look to you - however imperfectly and haltingly you may have walked at times - this is how you have faced these years. You have walked through it all with courage, dignity and grace. You have been beautifully imperfect, courageously flawed, and an exquisite example of what it looks like to be a human in this world who is doing her absolute best in the hardest of circumstances." 

Late last year, on the anniversary of the birth of one of my dearest friends, I wrote her a love letter. This woman has taught me innumerable very important things about myself, about God, and about life, but most of all she has taught me about love. She has taught me the power of God's love on the human heart, and the power of the human heart to be a channel for God's love. The gifts she has given me have changed my life, and being able to be there for her during her hardest times has been one of my greatest honours.

When I say that I heal to serve, what I mean is: I love you. 
There is no greater joy for me than to be able to use my own experience, my own pain, and my own healing to walk beside other women on their own healing journeys. What an honor! When they told me I could have a life beyond my wildest dreams, I never believed it could be so simple and yet so profound. Connection with other women has been the guiding light on my healing path. 

I believe that we are inextricably linked to one another and that while those links cannot be broken, they can be forgotten. I write to remind myself that I am connected to you and to the Divine, and I hope I will remind you of the same.  If you are looking for connection with yourself, with others, and with the deeper world around you - let's chat. I offer Women's Circles and one-on-one Wild Heart Sessions: two different ways to connect in order to come home to yourself. 

Read the full piece here. 

This post was originally my May newsletter. Click here to sign up for my monthly newsletter today. (I promise to respect your privacy.)