I vow to you.

What do I say to the man I love on our wedding day?
How do I tell him what is in my heart, how it beat

For years with longing for a love that felt like home?


How do I thank him for showing me how to love

Myself, the world, another?


And how can I offer praise worthy of this union,

All of us gathered here together under this

Never-ending sky, in this glittering light, on this perfect day?


Today is a dream come true.


Today I put my hand in yours, offering to walk

Life’s vast expanse by your side.

Today I vow to you my love. I vow to love you as completely

As the sun loves the moon; to love your best and

Never fear your worst; to love you courageously,

Completely, with God. 


You are my love and there is no other.

I commit to love you hard and true

one day at a time for the rest of my life.